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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10687850"

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(19) World Intellectual Property Organization 

International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
4 October 2001 (04. 1 0.2001) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 01/73109 A2 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : C12Q 1/00 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US0 1/1 0097 

(22) International Filing Date: 28 March 2001 (28.03.2001) 

(25) Filing Language: 

(26) Publication Language; 


(30) Priority Data: 


28 March 2000 (28.03 .2000) US 

(63) Related by continuation (CON) or continuation-in-part 
(CIP) to earlier application: 

US 09/537,599 (CON) 

Filed on 28 March 2000 (28.03.2000) 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): INVER- 
Prospect Street, Waltham, MA 02453-3457 (US). 

(72) Inventors; and 

(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): DAVIES, Oliver, 
William, Hardwicke [ — /GB]; 15 Drummond Circus, 
Inverness Circus, Inverness 1V2 4QP (GB). MCALEER, 
Jerome, Francis [GB/GB]; 52 Nobles Close, Grove Wan- 
tage OX 12 0NR (GB). YEUDALL, Robert, Malcolm 

[GB/GB]; 5 Stratherrick Gardens, Inverness 1V2 4LX 

(74) Agent: LARSON, Marina, T.; Oppedahl & Larson LLP, 
P.O. Box 5068, Dillon, CO 80435-5068 (US). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ, 
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TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian 
patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European 
patent (AT, BB, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, PR, GB, GR, IE, 
IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, 
CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— without international search report and to be republished 
upon receipt of that report 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
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(57) Abstract: Sensors formed from a substrate, an electrode layer and at least a first reagent layer are manufactured by transporting 
^ a continuous web of the substrate past at least two print stations, and printing the electrode layer and the first reagent layer on the 
substrate. One of the print stations prints the electrode layer on the continuous web of substrate, and the other of the print stations 
prints the first reagent layer on the continuous web of substrate as it is transported past the print stations. Additional print stations 
£^ may be included for the printing of insulation layers, glue prints and the like. The order of printing will depend on the structure 
^ desired for the sensor, although the electrode layer(s) will frequently be deposited before the reagent layer(s). 

WO 01/73109 


-1 - 




This application relates to electrochemical sensors useful for detection and/or 
quantification of a target analyte in a sample. 

Disposable electrochemical sensors for monitoring of target analytes in blood 
or urine are well known. In particular, electrochemical measurement of the amount of 
glucose in a small amount of blood using disposable electrochemical sensors and 
small, portable meters has become a mainstay of many diabetics. These home-use 
systems permit routine measurements and provide the diabetic with an increased 
ability to self-manage his or her condition. 

The disposable electrochemical sensors used in these devices are generally 
formed as a series of patterned layers supported on a substrate. Mass production of 
these devices has been carried out by screen printing and other deposition processes, 
with the multiple layers making up the device being deposited seriatim in a batch 

Manufacture of disposable electrochemical sensors by these techniques has 
several drawbacks. First, operation in batch mode is fundamentally inefficient. 
Multiple steps in the process requires the use of multiple print lines, one for each layer 
in the device. Not only does this increase the capital expense for the manufacturing 
equipment it also introduces multiple opportunities for process variation such as 
variable delays and storage conditions between print steps, as well as variations in the 
process itself such as registration drift between different process stations. Such 
process variations can result in poor calibration of some sensor batches resulting in 
potentially erroneous reading when the electrodes are used. 

A potential second drawback arises from a characteristic inherent to screen 
printing, namely the thickness of the deposited layers. Standard screen printing 
processes can be used to deposit layers from I to 100 urn in thickness. Heat-cured 
resins can be used to obtain thinner layers of less than 1 urn in thickness. For printing 

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electrodes, the capability of screen printing to produce layers with these dimensions is 
beneficial, since the thicker print has greater conductivity. For reagent layers, for 
example layers of enzymes which are utilized in many disposable electrochemical 
reactions, however, thick layers are detrimental to the reliable operation of the device. 
5 Specifically, because the amount of signal generated by a device of this type depends 
on the inter-reaction of these reagents and the target analyte within a very narrow 
region at the electrode surface, the use of reagent layers which extend beyond this 
region reduces the measured signal by depleting inwardly migrating analyte before it 
can reach the measurement zone. 

10 In view of these drawbacks, there is a need for a new approach to the 

manufacture of disposable electrochemical sensors. It is an object of the present 
invention to meet this need. 

It is a further object of this invention to provide a method for manufacturing 
disposable electrochemical sensors which operates as a continuous process and which 

15 provides for deposition of thin reagent layers. 

It is a further object of the invention to provide cassettes which incorporate 
spooled sensors, including spooled sensors manufactured using the method of the 

It is a further object of the invention to provide sensors which having an 
20 integrated sealing layer which is combination with the substrate produce a sealed 

sample receiving chamber, thereby protecting the reagents until time of use, which 
sensors can be made using the method of the invention. 


25 These and other objects of the invention are met by a method in accordance 

with the invention for manufacturing electrochemical sensors. The sensors comprises 
a substrate, an electrode layer and at least a first reagent layer. The method comprises 
the steps of transporting a continuous web of the substrate past at least two print 
stations, and printing the electrode layer and the first reagent layer on the substrate. 

30 One of the print stations prints the electrode layer on the continuous web of substrate, 

and the other of the print stations prints the first reagent layer on the continuous web 

W ° 01/73109 PCT/US01/10097 


of substrate as it is transported past the print stations. Additional print stations may be 
included for the printing of insulation layers, glue prints and the like. The order of 
printing will depend on the structure desired for the sensor, although the electrode 
Iayer(s) will frequently be deposited before the reagent layer(s). 


Fig. 1 A and IB show two alternative deposition patterns useful in the method 
of the invention; 

Figs. 2A and 2B show an exemplary electrochemical sensor which can be 
manufactured using the method of the invention; 

Fig. 3 shows a schematic view of an apparatus for practicing the method of the 

Fig. 4 shows post-processing of a web printed with sensors to produce sensor 


Figs 5A and 5B shows cassettes useful with the sensor spool of Fig. 4, Fig. 5C 
shows a meter in combination with the cassette of Fig. 5A; 

Fig. 6 shows an alternative embodiment of a sensor which can be 
manufactured using the method of the invention; 

Figs. 7 A and B shows a further alternative embodiment of a sensor which can 
be manufactured using the method of the invention; and 

Figs. 8 A, B and C shows the application of a sealing layer to a ribbon of test 
strips in accordance with the invention. 


The present invention provides a method for manufacturing electrochemical 
sensors using a continuous web of substrate transported past a plurality of printing • 
stations for deposition of various layers making up the sensor. The method can be 
used for making sensors which are directed to any electrochemically-detectable 

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Exemplary analytes of particular commercial significance for which sensors 
can be made using the method include; glucose, fructosamine, HbAIC, lactate, 
cholesterol, alcohol and ketones. 

The specific structure of the electrochemical sensor will depend on the nature 
5 . of the analyte. In general, however, each device will include an electrode layer and at 
least one reagent layer deposited on a substrate. As used in the specification and 
claims hereof, the term "layer" refers to a coating applied to all or part of the surface 
of the substrate. A layer is considered to be "applied to" or "printed on" the surface of 
the substrate when it is applied directly to the substrate or the surface of a layer or 

10 layers previously applied to the substrate. Thus, deposition of two layers on the 
substrate may result in a three layer sandwich (substrate, layer 1, and layer 2) as 
shown in Fig. 1 A or in the deposition of two parallel tracks as shown in Fig. IB, as 
well as intermediate configurations with partial overlap. 

In the method of the invention, the electrochemical sensors are printed in a 

15 linear array, or as a plurality of parallel linear arrays onto a flexible web substrate. As 

discussed below, this web may be processed by cutting it into ribbons after the 
formation . As used in the specification and claims of this application, the term 
"ribbon" refers to a portion of the printed web which has been formed by cutting the 
web in either or both of the longitudinal and tranverse directions, and which has a 

20 plurality of electrochemical sensors printed thereon. 

Figs. 2A and 2B show the structure of an electrochemical sensors for detection 
of glucose in accordance with in the invention. On the substrate 10 are placed a 
conductive base layer 16, a working electrode track 15, a reference electrode track 14, 
and conductive contacts 11, 12, and 13. An insulating mask 18 is then formed, 

25 leaving a portion of the conductive base layer 16, and the contacts 11,12 and 13 

exposed. A reagent layer of a working coating 17, for example a mixture of glucose 
oxidase and a redox mediator, is then applied over the insulating mask 18 to make 
contact with conductive base layer 16. Additional reagent layers can be applied over 
working coating 18 if desired. For example, the enzyme and the redox mediator can 

30 be applied in separate layers. 

WO 01/73109 



It will be appreciated that the specific structure shown in Figs. 2A and 2B is 
merely exemplary and that the method of the invention can be used to manufacture 
electrochemical sensors for a wide variety of analytes and using a wide variety of 
electrode/reagent configurations. Exemplary sensors which could be manufactured 
using the method of the invention include those disclosed in European Patent No. 
0 127 958, and US Patents Nos. 5,141,868, 5,286,362, 5,288,636, and 5,437,999, 
which are incorporated herein by reference. 

Fig. 3 shows a schematic view of an apparatus for practicing the invention. A 
running web of substrate 3 1 is provided on a feed roll 32 and is transported over a 
plurality of print stations 33, 34, and 35, each of which prints a different layer onto the 
substrate. The number of print stations can be any number and will depend on the 
number of layers required for the particular device being manufactured. Between 
successive print stations, the web is preferably transported through a dryer 36, 37, and 
38 (for example a forced hot air or infra-red dryer), to dry each layer before 
proceeding to the deposition of the next. After, the final dryer 38, the printed web is 
collected on a take up roll or introduced directly into a post-processing apparatus 39. 

While the most efficient embodiments of the invention will generally use a 
plurality of print stations as illustrated in Fig. 3 for the printing of different materials, 
it will be appreciated that many of the advantages of the invention can be achieved 
with a process in which a single print station is used several times with different print 
reagents. In particular, benefits of increased throughput and improved print 
registration are obtained when using the same print station multiple times. Thus, as 
used in the specification and claims of this application, the phrase "at least two print 
stations" refers both to embodiments in which two or more distinct print stations are 
employed and to embodiments in which a common print station is used in several 
passes to print the required materials onto the substrate. 

As noted above, one of the most important parameters to control when printing 
the various layers of a bionsesor is the thickness of the deposited layer, particularly 
with respect to the reagent layer. The thickness of the printed layer is influenced by 
various factors, including the angle at which the substrate and the screen are 
separated. In a conventional card printing process, where the substrate is presented as 

WO 01/73109 PCT/US01/10097 


individual cards on a flat table, this angle varies as the squeegee moves across the 
screen, leading to variations in thickness and therefore to variations in the sensor 
response across the card. To minimize this source of variation, the print stations used 
in the method of the present invention preferably makes use of cylinder screen 
5 printing or rotogravure printing. 

In cylinder screen printing, a flexible substrate is presented to the underside of 
a screen bearing the desired image using a cylindrical roller and moves synchronously 
with the squeegee. Unlike conventional printing, where the screen moves away from 
a stationary substrate, in this process the moving substrate is pulled away from the 

10 screen. This allows a constant separation angle to be maintained, so that a uniform 
thickness of deposit is achieved. What is more, the contact angle, and thus the print 
thickness can be optimized by choosing the appropriate point of contact. By 
appropriate optimization, the process can be engineered so that the ink is puuled out - 
of the screen and transferred to the substrate much more efficiently. This sharper 

1 5 "peel off leads to much improved print accuracy, allowing a finer detail print. 

Therefore smaller electrodes can be printed and smaller overall sensors can be 

The post-processing apparatus 39 may perform any of a variety of treatments, 
or combinations of treatments on the printed web. For example, the post processing 

20 apparatus may apply a cover over the electrochemical devices by laminating a second 
continuous web to the printed substrate. The post-processing apparatus may also cut 
the printed web into smaller segments. To produce individual electrochemical 
devices of the type generally employed in known hand-held glucose meters, this 
cutting process would generally involve cutting the web in two directions, 

25 longitudinally and laterally. The use of continuous web technology offers the 

opportunity to make electrochemical sensors with different configurations which offer 
advantages for packaging and use. 

As shown in Fig. 4, the printed web can be cut into a plurality of longitudinal 
ribbons, each one sensor wide. These ribbons can in turn be cut into shorter ribbons 

30 of convenient lengths, for example, 10, 25, 50 or even 100 sensors. These ribbons 
may be rolled into spools and packaged into a cassette which is inserted into a meter 

WO 01/73109 


(Fig. 5A). Alternatively, a short ribbon of say 5 strips can be prepared to provide 
enough sensors for one normal day of testing. For this length, a cassette is probably 
not necessary, although it could be provided if desired. In either case, the sensors are. 
used one and a time, and moved into the appropriate position at the time of use. 
Preferably, this movement is accomplished by a meter-resident mechanism, which 
also prevents used strips from being drawn back inside the meter. 

The use of spooled ribbons with multiple sensors has substantial advantages 
over the known systems using single electrochemical sensors. Because the spooled 
electrochemical devices are packaged inside a cassette, they are less susceptible to 
damage. Further, since the spool of devices is a continuous strip and is not intended 
to be removed from the cassette prior to use, there is less likelihood that a sensor will 
be used with the wrong calibration codes. The risk of erroneous calibration values 
can be further reduced if the cassette and the meter interact to provide calibration 
values for the sensors contained within the cassette. Interactions of this type are 
described for individual sensor devices in International Patent Publication No. 
W097/29847 and US Patent Application No. 08/600,449 which are used herein by 

A further advantage of continuous spools of electrochemical sensors is the 
ability to make each individual smaller. Much of the size of known individual sensors 
is driven by a requirement that the user be able to manipulate the sensor for insertion 
in the meter. Use of a continuous spool of sensors eliminates these constraints on the 
size of the device since the user will be manipulating the cassette or ribbon of 
electrochemical sensors which will be significantly easier to handle than individual 
strips. Thus, the present invention permits the fabrication of smaller and therefore 
more economical devices. 

If it is desired to separate used devices from the spool, a cutter may be 
incorporated into the meter or into the cassette. A cutter of this type is disclosed in 
US Patent No. 5,525,297, which is incorporated herein by reference, although other 
configurations could be employed. 

Fig. 5B shows variation of the meter of Fig. 5A. In this case, the cassette 
includes a take up mechanism such that the sensor spool is transferred from a feed 

WO 01/73109 PCT7US01/10097 


spool 51 to a take up spool 52 as it is used. This makes the entire cassette system self- 
contained and eliminates the need to dispose of individual sensors which have 
frequently been contaminated with blood. 

The method of the invention can also be used to produce sensor spools having 
parallel arrays of sensors of different types. Thus, as shown in Fig. 6, a sensor strip 
could be prepared in which sensors of a first type, 61 are disposed alongside sensors 
of a second type, 62. By providing separate contacts and analysis circuitry for each 
sensor, two values can be determined simultaneously in the same meter with the same 
sample. Suitable analyte pairs include glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin; and 
LDL and HDL. Two different sensors measuring levels of the same analyte might 
also be employed to provide and internal check, or to increase the dynamic range of 
the strip. 

The method of the invention also facilitates the manufacture of sensors having 
structures which cannot be conveniently produced using conventional batch 
processing. For example, as shown in Figs. 7A and 7B, a device can be manufactured 
by depositing parallel conductive tracks 71 and 72; reagent layer(s) 73 and an 
insulation layer 74 on a substrate 70. The substrate is then folded along a fold line 
disposed between the two conductive tracks to produce a sensor in which two co- 
facial electrodes are separated by a reagent layer. An electrode geometry of this type 
is beneficial because the voltage drop due to solution resistance is low as a result of 
the thin layer of solution separating the electrodes. In contrast, in a conventional 
device with coplanar electrodes, the use of a thin layer of solution results in a 
substantial voltage drop along the length of the cell and concomitant uneven current 
distribution. Furthermore the device of Figs. 7 A and 7B can be cut across the 
deposited reagent to produce a very low volume chamber for sample analysis which 
further improves the performance of the device. 

As is apparent from the foregoing discussion, the method of the present 
invention provides a very versatile approach for manufacture of electrochemical 
sensors. The following discussion of suitable materials which can be used in the 
method of the invention is intended to further exemplify this versatility and not to 
limit the scope of the invention which is defined by the claims. 

W ° 01/73109 PCT/US01/10097 


The substrate used in the method of the invention may be any dimensionally 
stable material of sufficient flexibility to permit its transport through an apparatus of 
the type shown generally in Fig. 3. In general the substrate will be an electrical 
insulator, although this is not necessary if a layer of insulation is deposited between 
the substrate and the electrodes. The substrate should also be chemically compatible 
with the materials which will be used in the printing of any given sensor. This means 
that the substrate should not significantly react with or be degraded by these materials, 
although a reasonably stable print image does need to be formed. Specific examples of 
suitable materials include polycarbonate and polyester. 

The electrodes may be formed of any conductive material which can be 
deposited in patterns in a continuous printing process. This would include carbon 
electrodes and electrodes formed from platinized carbon, gold, silver, and mixtures of 
silver and silver chloride. 

Insulation layers are deposited as appropriate to define the sample analysis 
volume and to avoid a short circuiting of the sensor. Insulating materials which can 
be printed are suitable, including for example polyester-based inks. 

The selection of the constituents of the reagent layer(s) will depend on the 
target analyte. For detection of glucose, the reagent layer(s) will suitably include an 
enzyme capable of oxidizing glucose, and a mediator compound which transfers 
electrons from the enzyme to the electrode resulting in a measurable current when 
glucose is present. Representative mediator compounds include ferricyanide, 
metallocene compounds such as ferrocene, quinones, phenazinium salts, redox 
indicator DCPIP, and imidazole-substituted osmium compounds. The reagents 
appropriate to other types of sensors will be apparent to persons skilled in the art. 

One of the limitations of any device in which multiple test elements are stored 
within a test device is that the elements must be made stable for the expected lifetime 
of the test elements within the test device. In general, for electrochemical sensor 
strips, this means providing a moisture-proof and air-tight environment for unused 
sensor strips. This can be accomplished through the design of the cassette and 
associated meter, or it may be accomplished by adding a sealing layer to the test 

WO 01/73109 PCT7US01/10097 
" . -10- . 

ribbon so that individual test strips are individually sealed and protected from 

Figs. 8 A-C relate to ribbons of test strips with a sealing layer. Fig. 8 A shows 
a composite structure comprising a lower layer ribbon of test strips 80 and an upper 
sealing layer 81. The upper sealing layer 81 is shown partially peeled back to expose 
the first test element. The upper layer contains apertures 82 through which electrical 
contact with the underlying test strip can be made. The sealing layer 8 1 is typically 
attached to the ribbon 80 using a hot melt or pressure-sensitive adhesive. The meter 
employed with the sealed test strip ribbon of Fig. 8 A would include a mechanism, 
such as a knife blade, for peeling back the sealing layer 81 to expose the target area of 
a strip that is about to be used. After use, the used test strip and the peeled back 
sealing layer may be cut away from the unused portion of the ribbon, for example 
using a cutter blade integral to the cassette. The used strips and peeled of sealing 
layer might also be rolled up onto take-up spools within a cassette as shown in Fig. 
8B, thus avoiding the need for a user to contact used strips directly. 

Fig. 8C shows a variation on the structure of Fig. 8C. In this case, the sealant 
layer serves as one wall of the test strip sample chamber. This geometry has certain 
advantages, notably that evaporative cooling of the sample (which can lead to 
erroneously low readings) is reduced. To prepare a test strip on a ribbon of this type 
for use, a cut is made which opens the end of a chamber formed by the sealing layer 
81 and the test strip ribbon 80. In Fig. 8C, separate cut line-types 88 and 89 are 
shown for separating used devices and for opening a new device, respectively. These 
cuts can be made at the same type or at different times. 

WO 01/73109 




1 • A method for manufacturing electrochemical sensors comprising a substrate, 
an electrode layer and at least a first reagent layer, said method comprising the steps 
of transporting a continuous web of the substrate past at least two print stations and 
printing the electrode layer and the first reagent layer on the substrate, one of said 
print stations printing the electrode layer on the continuous web of substrate and the 
other said print stations printing the first reagent layer on the continuous web of 
substrate as it is transported past the print stations. 

2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the print stations are rotogravure print 

3 . The method of claim 1 , wherein the print stations are cylinder screen printing 

4. The method of any of claims 1-3, wherein the electrochemical sensors detect 

5. The method of claim 4, wherein the first reagent layer comprises glucose 

6. The method of any of the preceding claims, wherein the disposable 
electrochemical sensors further comprise a second reagent layer which is deposited on 
the continuous web substrate by a third print station. 

7. The method of claim 6, wherein the second reagent layer comprises an 
electron transfer mediator. 

8. The method of claim 7, wherein the electron transfer mediator is ferricyanide. 

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1 9. The method of any of the preceding claims, wherein the print stations which 

2 print the electrode layer and the first reagent layer are separate and distinct print 

3 stations. 

1 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the continuous web of substrate is transported 

2 between the print stations in a continuous process. 

1 11. The method of claim 9 or 10, wherein the continuous web of substrate is 

2 transported through a dryer between the print stations which print the electrode layer 

3 and the first reagent layer. 

1 12. The method of claim 1 1 , wherein the dryer is an infra-red dryer. 

1 13. The method of any of the preceding claims, further comprising a sealing post- 

2 processing step applied to the web after printing of the electrochemical sensors in 

3 which a sealing layer is applied over the electrochemical sensors. 

1 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the sealing layer and the web having the 

2 electrochemical sensors printed thereon cooperate to form a sample-receiving 

3 chamber which can be opened by cutting the end of a sensor. 

1 15. The method of any of the preceding claims, further comprising a cutting post- 

2 processing step applied to the web after printing of the electrochemical sensors in 

3 which the web is cut into ribbons, each ribbon containing a plurality of sensors. 

1 16. The method of claim 15, wherein each ribbon contains from 5 to 100 sensors. 

1 1 7. A cassette comprising a case and a ribbon disposed within the case on which a 

2 plurality of disposable electrochemical sensors are provided. 

WO 01/73109 


- 13- 

18. The cassette according to claim 1 7, wherein the electrochemical sensors are 
for the detection of glucose. 

19. The cassette of claim 1 7, wherein the sensors are manufactured in accordance 
with the method of any of claims 1-16. 

20. An electrochemical sensor for the detection of an analyte such as glucose, 
wherein the sensor is printed on a substrate and is covered by a sealing layer, said 
substrate and sealing layer cooperating to form a sealed sample-receiving chamber, 
and wherein in use the sealed sample-receiving chamber is cut to produce an opening 
to the sample-receiving for the introduction of analyte to the sample. 

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FIG. <3(A 

16 .17 14' 




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